RMM for NVIDIA Jetson
Manage Scattered Devices on A Single Unified Portal
With the rapid expansion of new technology, more and more businesses with edge AI devices are marking their way around the globe. Allxon makes it possible for these businesses to remotely manage widespread edge AI devices on a single unified portal.

What if You Could Manage 100,000 Devices
Globally on 1 Single Platform?
Allxon brings In-Band and Out-Of-Band remote device management services to all edge AI devices to help businesses save on time and cut out exponential labor costs. By simply navigating on an easy-to-use single cloud portal, businesses can effortlessly optimize and streamline their services.
Why RMM is Important for NVIDIA Jetson
Edge AI Devices
Save time and labor costs by remotely updating NVIDIA Jetson edge AI device fleets, in just a few minutes.
Device Log
Remotely collect and download device logs instantly to keep records of system performances and to make troubleshooting potential system errors easier to resolve.
Out-Of-Band Management
Effortlessly power ON/OFF devices remotely and bring unresponsive systems back to a working state.
GPU Performance Tuning
Monitor tegrastats utility and new Jetson Power GUI remotely on top of system power consumption and performances.
Become Commander-In-Chief
Get the most out of Allxon Portal by sending commands, taking screenshots, setting up alert notifications, or deploying new AI model updates with group management functions to ensure you stay in control of all your edge AI device operations at all times.
Send Command
Take Screenshot
Alert Notification

Powerful Remote Device Management
Get In on the Action
Work smart and let Allxon remote device management services do the work for you. Allxon is here to simplify operations and instantly resolve system errors on your edge AI devices.
Remotely reboot edge AI devices on Allxon Portal to bring devices back to normal operations.
Send Command
Send commands to your edge AI devices and receive device response & status details.
Take Screenshot
Monitor the information accuracy of your screen display in real-time by taking a screenshot.
Force Shutdown & Reset
Manage risks with Allxon Out-Of-Band power cycling function that enables you to force shutdown and power back ON edge AI devices when problems occur.
GPU Performance
Stay informed on important details such as your GPU utilization and memory usage to ensure your services run at an optimal level.

Effective Group Management Features
Ready, Set, Deploy, and GO!
Save hours spent on admin and system configuration with Allxon's group management features. Deploy the latest updates onto scattered edge AI device fleets and configure settings according to their needs.
Over-The-Air (OTA)
Save time and labor costs by remotely updating edge AI device fleets, in just a few minutes.
Group Policy
Save time on applying policy settings individually and deploy new policy changes to multiple groups in one go.
Software Watchdog
Set up Software Watchdog to automatically fix application crashes and errors.
Logs Collection
Remotely collect and download device logs instantly to keep records of system performances and to make troubleshooting potential system errors easier to resolve.
Alert Notification
Receive alerts on the go about your devices’ health statuses to ensure you continue providing the best services to your customers.
Solutions Designed for Your Success
Bringing you seamless connectivity with the fastest, safest, and most effective solutions in AI/IoT. Compatibility. Efficiency. Reliability.