Introduction to Operator Management Page Interface


The Operator Management Interface is a centralized platform for managing and overseeing user accounts on Allxon Portal. It simplifies user management, offering features to add, monitor, and control operator roles and statuses across different groups. This guide provides an overview of the key functions available within this interface.

Main Page

The main page displays all operators, categorized into All Operators and Current Group Operators. Operators can search for specific users, filter by name, email, role, or invited status, and view essential details such as login status and last login time. This page also offers options to manage user roles and invite new operators, providing a comprehensive view of your operator ecosystem.

Main Interface

  1. Click on the Allxon  icon and select the Operator Management tab to enter the Operator Management main page.
  2. Switch between the All Operatorsand Current Group Operators tabs to view all operators across groups or just those in your current group.
  3. Use the Search Bar to locate operators by name, email, or role.
  4. Click on the Filteroption to refine the list by Activated/Inviting statuses.
  5. Click on Manage Rolesto edit permissions or assign new roles to operators.
  6. Click on Invite New Userto add new operators to the group.
  7. View detailed operator information, including name, group, role, status, and last login time.
  8. Click on the three-dot Menuto Edit/Delete the selected operator.

Manage Roles

The Manage Roles page provides an organized view of all operator roles and their assigned users. Operators can search for specific roles, view detailed role information, and manage statuses, such as editing or deleting. The page is divided into two main sections: All Roles and Current Group Roles.

All Roles/Current Group Roles

All operator roles are displayed under the All Roles tab. You can filter specific roles by typing in the role name in the Search bar. Click on Edit to change the Role name and select Role permissions or click on Delete to delete the entire operator role.

The Current Group Roles tab allows for a more focused management and view of group-specific roles. Then, click on the Create Role button to add new roles. You can assign a role name and select its permissions ensuring precise control over user access.

Invite New Users

Operators can add new users, assign them to specific groups, and designate their roles on Allxon.

Click on the Invite New User button, select the Group to which the new operator will be added, enter Email Address/es, and assign Role to ensure correct permissions. Finally click on the Send Invite button to complete the process.


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