We provide Webhook settings that allow users to select where they wish to send alert messages to on the Allxon Portal.
E.g. If you would like to send alert messages to your Webhook Service, fill in the URL of your Webhook Service and select the format type “Generic.”
If you would like to send alert messages to your Webhook Service on IFTTT, fill in the URL of your Webhook Service and select the format type “IFTTT.”
💡 Note: This feature does not support versions older than Allxon Agent 2.15.
Message Format
- GENERICv1 Format
"deviceName": "device_name",
"deviceSN": "serial_number",
"appGUID": "appGUID",
"moduleName": "module_display_name",
"alarmName": "alarm_name",
"alarmAction": "alarm_action",
"alarmEpoch": "alarm_time",
"alarmMessage": "alarm_message"
- IFTTTv1 Format
"value1": "{device_name}(serial_number)",
"value2": "{alarm_name}(module_display_name)",
"value3": "{alarm_message}(alarm_time)"
- Slack Format
"text": """
【Alert Information】
- Source: {alarm_source}
- Status: {mail_state}
- Time: {alarm_time} (UTC)
- Detail: {alarm_message}
【Device Information】
- Name: {device_name}
- Serial Number: {serial_number}
- Group Name: {group_name}
- Link: {alert_link}
💡 Note: If the plugin developer would like to send out alert messages from a device, the parameters: “<alarmMessage>” will allow the developer to define a custom message.