How to Assign Device Seats to Subscription Plans?


This article provides a step-by-step guide on assigning device seats to Subscription Plans, designed to enhance your subscription management skills and give you full access to subscription details.

Step1: Assign Seats

  1. Head over to Allxon Portal, click on the account icon, then select the Subscription.
  2. Select the Current tab to display the list of all current Subscription Plans, then click on the Manage Subscription button to enter the Seats Management page.
  3. Click on the (+) icon under Entry Devices to assign devices to Assigned Devices above.

Step 2: Unassign Devices

  1. Successfully assigned devices will now appear under Assigned Devices.
  2. Click on the (-) icon to unassign unwanted devices back down to Unassigned Devices.
  3. Click on the Save button once all the desired devices have been assigned or unassigned.

Step 3: Successful Management 

  1. All successfully assigned devices will now be listed under the Seats Management tab and success message will appear.
  2. If additional changes need to be made, click on the Manage Seats button to edit Seats again.
  3. If no additional changes need to be made, click on the Back to Subscription Page to go back to the main page.


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