Device & OOB Enabler Troubleshooting Guide


If Allxon Portal or Allxon Agent appears abnormal, follow the troubleshooting steps below to resolve the issues:

  • Allxon Portal or Allxon Agent Status Abnormal: 
       Step 1: Check the Log
    1. Use the command "allxon-cli log" to access the log files. 
    2. Analyze the log files to identify the source of the abnormal status. 
    3. Look for error messages or warnings that might indicate the cause of the issue. 

    Step 2: Resolve Log-Related Problems
    1. Based on the log analysis, take appropriate actions to address the identified issues. You can attach your logs when contacting us. 
  • Network Connection Issue: 
        Step 1: Diagnose Network Environment 
    1. Use the command "allxon-cli diagnose" to initiate network environment detection. 
    2. The diagnosis will assess the network connection and identify any irregularities. 

    Step 2: Address Network Problems
    1. Review the diagnosis results to understand the network issues. 
    2. Fix any identified network problems such as connectivity, DNS resolution, or firewall issues. 

OOB Enabler:

If the OOB Enabler appears abnormal connectivity, follow the troubleshooting steps below to resolve the issues: 

        Step 1: Check Cable Connection 
    1. Ensure that the network cable connected to the OOB Enabler is securely plugged in and not damaged. 
    2. Verify that the cable is connected to the correct network port or router. 

    Step 2: Verify Internet and Wi-Fi Connectivity
    1. Ensure that your Internet connection is active and stable. 
    2. If using a Wi-Fi, confirm that the OOB Enabler is connected to a valid and correct Wi-Fi network. 
    3. Ensure your internet connection does not require authentication, as the Out-of-Band module may be unable to establish a connection in such cases.

    Step 3: Contact Us
    1. If you have performed the above checks and are still experiencing abnormal connectivity, reach out to our support team for further assistance. 
    2. Provide details about the issue, any error messages, and steps you've taken so far to help us better understand and resolve the problem.