Articles about:
Scenario Story

Revolutionizing Smart Vending Machine Operations in Japan with One Magic Box: An Integrated Remote OOB Management Solution
Vending machines have long since propped up Japan’s retail backbone. Yet, a rapidly shrinking labor force is putting exponential profits at risk. Is Allxon's external integrated OOB solution the key to solving this dilemma?

What we are doing to help during the COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19 quarantine has opened our eyes to the usefulness of remote healthcare monitoring

Restart, Recover, and Revive with the Latest Disaster Recovery Solution
Allxon swiftDR Series Helping Industries “SAVE” in Seconds

Q&A for Out-Of-Band Device Management Service
Can Allxon provide me a comprehensive insight into its OOB service and also recommend which IHV brands and models are best suited for its In-Band (IB) and OOB Turnkey Solutions?

AIoT Device Crashes Are Every MSP's Worst Nightmare
Picture this: one day during opening hours, the primary overhead display device at a major fast food outlet malfunctions. Customers are streaming in, service is interrupted and management is panicking. How do you solve this?