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Smarter Retail Starts Here: A Partnership Re-Shaping the Future of Smart Vending Management
The global smart retail revolution is being led by AI-powered vending machines that deliver personalized shopping experiences. Equipped with advanced AI cameras, these machines analyze foot traffic, customer demographics, and purchasing behavior in real time, enabling dynamic product stocking and deeper customer engagement.

OOB: The Key to Ensuring Uninterruptible Edge AI Video Detection
Reducing crime is a crucial priority for countries around the world, and video detection systems have long been valued as a key tool in this effort. Today, as AI technology advances, these systems are getting smarter, with AI capabilities significantly boosting their computing power.

CrowdStrike's "Blue Screen of Death" Disaster: A Billion-Dollar Revelation on the Importance of Backup and Recovery Systems
Recently, Microsoft experienced what is being described as the worst IT disaster in history due to an error by CrowdStrike, an antivirus software company, in updating the Falcon system.

Maximizing the Power of NVIDIA Jetson Orin with Edge AI Camera Fleet Management
Allxon brings innovative solutions such as NVIDIA Microservices for Jetson to the forefront of the edge AI industry, making such brilliant solutions easy-to-use and accessible to all.

6 Tips to Navigate Fleet Management Challenges with Ease for SI/MSPs
In the dynamic landscape of the edge AI industry, efficiently optimizing device operations with smart and sustainable fleet management tools is essential for service integrators (SIs) and managed service providers (MSPs).

Revolutionizing Smart Vending Machine Operations in Japan with One Magic Box: An Integrated Remote OOB Management Solution
Vending machines have long since propped up Japan’s retail backbone. Yet, a rapidly shrinking labor force is putting exponential profits at risk. Is Allxon's external integrated OOB solution the key to solving this dilemma?

Keeping Edge AI Devices Up-to-Date in Smart Retail: A Critical Task for SIs and MSPs
Allxon Board Support Package (BSP) Over-The-Air (OTA) Updates save smart retail from time-consuming Jetpack update processes and help maintain device performance at its best.

Unleashing the Power of AI
President and CEO of NVIDIA, Jensen Huang's visit to Taiwan has been an inspiring moment for all of us at Allxon. During his speech to NTU graduates, one particular question stuck with me. Jensen asked, "What would you create? Whatever it is, run after it like we did. Run, don't walk." This has come to truly reflect the very spirit of Allxon in this new age of AI.