Articles about:
Allxon plugIN
As Autonomous Mobile Robots Advance in the Delivery and Logistics Industry, How Can We Ensure and Maintain Our Safety and Theirs?
Autonomous mobile robots (AMR) in the delivery and logistics industry have taken the world by storm. Still, we need to ask: How will they continue to deliver without being tampered with, and what technology is used to keep operations safe?
Taking It One Step Further: SaaS-In-Chip
With Allxon’s utmost commitment to making remote device management easy, efficient, and customer-focused, we have taken it one step further and pioneered the concept of SaaS-In-Chip.
Passenger Information Display Systems Stay Optimized with Smart City Application
Allxon Edge Architecture Granting Passengers the Smooth Journey They Deserve
Q&A for Out-Of-Band Device Management Service
Can Allxon provide me a comprehensive insight into its OOB service and also recommend which IHV brands and models are best suited for its In-Band (IB) and OOB Turnkey Solutions?
Q&A for Digital Signage Software and Services Vendors
Allxon receives support request emails every day. In a recent email, we got a really good question from an American ISV (Independent Software Vendor) that is managing his client’s devices as well: