Blog | Allxon – An open platform for smarter device management

Our Journey

Written by Alex Liu | Sep 30, 2021 10:18:00 AM

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much” — Helen Keller

When we started, our primary goal was to provide the AI/IoT industry with simple SaaS services that solved large-scale edge device management pain points. I think back on how, during our focus on one thing, this journey had also created a powerful ripple effect. When we officially became one of the preferred SaaS company partners of NVIDIA Jetson ecosystem in July 2020, little did we know how quickly we too would become an NVIDIA Metropolis Partner just a year later.


Within two years, we have touched on markets in and around the Asia Pacific (Japan, Taiwan, Israel) whilst rapidly expanding further into the European markets. We have 4 global distributors, 12 contracted IHV partners, worldwide users from 17 countries, with Allxon services preloaded on 38 types of IPC models, and over 10k devices connected onto our portal!

Happy Anniversary Allxon

I am humbled by these achievements and take every opportunity to share these moments with my team. In celebration of Allxon’s 2nd year anniversary, we took a day trip, which, to our enjoyment, encouraged a creative flow of ideas and discussions. We wrote them on lanterns and released them into the sky, the old-fashioned way. We popped open the plum wine we made together four months ago, and enjoyed it with the two cheesecakes I baked the night before—in true Allxon spirit, the team was very supportive!


With what we have achieved in just 2 years, I highly anticipate the new milestones in sight (Korean, UK and European market). The choices we make, bring the possibilities we aspire towards. Allxon continues innovating stronger, smarter, and safer remote edge AI device management solutions so that we can continue optimizing seamless business operations, together.